Ev charging using electricity from the grid.

Debunking the Myth EVs are a Scam


Like many things these days, electric cars have become a polarizing topic and the subject of much online hate. Indeed, the vitriol and visceral hatred exhibited against EVs border on the fanatical unseen in reaction against any other products. Detractors regularly describe EVs as scams (environmental, financial, and otherwise), glorified toys/golf carts, unworkable/dangerous products, unsustainable […]

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Audi e-Tron

The First Year of Owning an Audi e-Tron


In the earlier story, we were stranded between two Tesla Supercharging Stations because I made an error. If we had been driving a Tesla that night, things would have most likely turned out very differently. That said, I have now owned my Audi e-Tron for 15 months and have driven 12k+ miles in it.  During this […]

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Audi e-Tron

EV Charging Troubles on a Long Road Trip


One thing I do after buying a new car is take it on a long road trip. So, having recently purchased a new electric vehicle (an Audi e-Tron and my first pure BEV), I looked forward to taking it on our annual trip from Southern California to Lake Tahoe, a journey of 470 miles. I […]

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